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Feedback & Photo's From the
Women's Seminar Series 2014

"Hey Nuria. 
I had a really awesome time this afternoon, it was such an amazing experience meeting you.  I apologize if I seemed a little distant, I have been going through a lot lately & have felt low & that I don't deserve to feel good about myself. 

But meeting you & the other girls & how you are so willing to share your experiences & knowing I'm not the only one who goes through these low points is such a comfort to have. 

You have really inspired me today & I actually feel happy about me for the first time in ages.  You may not know it but you have made a big impact on me
in terms of helping me to think differently about myself"

- Anonymous

"Thanks so much for inviting us into your home & sharing everything you have learnt so far. 
Was nice to finally meet you & I have already put into place some of the things you sugested"

- Charlotte Dodson, Christchurch, July 2014

"I think the concept behind what you are doing is fantastic.  There definitely isn't anywhere near enough guidance out there regarding post competition. 
I found it great that it was not only competition focused. 
It gave me some good information to apply to my Personal Training"

- Anonymous

"Thank you for sharing your family home, time & knowledge with us.  You are a beautiful person on the inside that glows to the outside.  Amazing inspiring girl at only 28.  Keep sharing your wisdom"
- Charlotte MacDonald, Christchurch, July 2014.

"Was great to meet you, you're so beautiful & such an inspiration with so much knowledge.  Can't wait for the next seminar.  What I found interesting was how to control binge/ emotional eating & the "cheat meal" options you spoke about. 
I would recommend these seminars to friends"

- Rachelle Crause, Christchurch, July 2014

"Seminar was great I like how it covered overall health, especially things like how hormones can effect you. 
Yes I would come again"

- Amanda Lee Lowe, Chrischurch, July 2014

"Had an amazing experience meeting Nuria Novoa & giving me some really helpful advice
& opening my eyes so much to the fitness world"

- Ashleigh Johns, Christchurch, July 2014

"Feeling super inspired after today's seminar with Nuria Novoa! 
Time to get back on trak & start setting some exciting new goals for the rest of 2014!"

- Chloe McGill, Christchurch July 2014


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